Inconspicuous at first. Then it catches the eye with a clear craftsmanship. A backrest and a seat are embedded into the rest of the construction creating an interesting detail and a comfortable place to sit.
- René Šulc
$453.90 $98.90
Inconspicuous at first. Then it catches the eye with a clear craftsmanship. A backrest and a seat are embedded into the rest of the construction creating an interesting detail and a comfortable place to sit.
Color | Beech (Lacquered), Beech (Oil-Treated), Oak (Lacquered), Oak (Oil-Treated) |
Benches and Ottomans
Benches and Ottomans
Benches and Ottomans
Benches and Ottomans
Benches and Ottomans
Benches and Ottomans
Benches and Ottomans
Benches and Ottomans
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